Tools of Trade Insurance

Ensure the safety of your equipment and tools by keeping them protected.

Tools of trade insurance provide coverage for the equipment and tools you use to conduct your business activities, even when you’re on the go. Whether working from different locations or taking your business on the road, this insurance protects your valuable tools.

This cover is specifically designed to protect your valuable tools and equipment. Whether you leave them in a toolbox attached to your vehicle overnight or bring specialist equipment to the site, this cover has got you covered. Its durable and reliable design offers peace of mind, knowing that your tools and equipment are safeguarded.

Why waste endless hours searching for the best deals when we’ve got you covered? We bring you the most competitive options right from the start so you can save time and money. No need to stress; we’ve got your back!

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Discover the essentials of Tools of Trade Insurance,

providing coverage for your tools and equipment

You can purchase Tools of Trade Insurance as a standalone policy or combine it with a Business Package Insurance policy. For businesses operating in specific industries, opting for a portable Tools of Trade Insurance policy is typically advisable.

  • Trade contractors who frequently carry their essential tools with them to different locations for work purposes
  • Specialist service providers who transport their equipment from site to site to efficiently deliver their services
  • Professional service providers regularly travel with company equipment, including laptops, phones, and other electronic devices, to fulfil their job responsibilities and stay connected.

There are many other industries that might want to consider having a portable tools insurance policy in place. You see, while the businesses mentioned above are certainly more prone to experiencing significant losses, it’s not just limited to them. Many other industries could benefit from such coverage, too, as they stand to suffer if something were to go wrong.

To run a successful business or effectively manage your operations, business owners often need specialized equipment or specific tools to complete everyday tasks. This coverage doesn’t only apply to business owners but also extends to employed trade contractors. Having the right tools at your disposal can make a significant difference in achieving success and delivering quality workmanship.

If you frequently carry your tools or equipment away from a fixed address, considering tools of trade insurance can provide you with the peace of mind that you are adequately covered. It’s a smart choice to ensure that you have the protection you need in case of any unforeseen events or accidents.

Why Priority Insurance Brokers?

Why should you use Priority Insurance Brokers to arrange your Tools of Trade Insurance?

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Why should you have a tools of trade insurance policy?

Imagine waking up, heading out to your ute, only to find your toolbox wide open and empty. It’s a total bummer. Now you’re left wondering how much it will cost to replace all those items and how quickly you can afford them.

Unfortunately, this is common for trade contractors and even professional service providers who rely on laptops, diagnostic tools, and other specialised equipment for their jobs. It’s about the trade contractors and those who move from job to job with valuable gear.

Having a good portable tools policy is a smart move to protect yourself from such incidents. It’s a small investment that can save you a lot of hassle and money in the long run.

When should you consider having a policy in place?

It depends on your risk appetite. Some businesses choose not to have a machinery breakdown policy, while others would only consider operating with it. Suppose you’re in a situation where a loss of stock or the need to replace an expensive machine part would significantly impact your business financially. In that case, it’s worth considering adding this to your insurance program immediately. Breakdowns are unpredictable, so you never know when a major loss could occur.

Looking for a broker to help with portable tools insurance? Look no further; we've got you covered.

We understand that running a business can be quite a demanding task. As a business owner, you’re expected to handle various aspects of your business operations. Our company strives to simplify the process, ensuring that our brokers work closely with each business owner. This way, we gain a strong understanding of your unique business and the requirements to avoid any unpleasant surprises. We take pride in our transparent approach and ensure we don’t hide behind complicated jargon or fine print

What other insurance do you need?

Depending on the nature of your business and your specific activities, there are several additional policies that you should consider in conjunction with your tools of trade insurance. Among the policies we commonly advise our clients to have alongside their portable tools insurance are:

As an Insurance Broker, we specialise in carefully bundling multiple policies to provide you with the best-priced options. With our services, you can conveniently manage all your policies in one place, making it easy to maintain and ensure comprehensive coverage. We take pride in offering you a seamless experience that combines affordability and convenience.

Your Tools of Trade Questions Answered

What is tool insurance called?

Tool insurance is commonly referred to as “Portable Tools of Trade Insurance” or “Tools and Equipment Insurance.” It provides coverage for tools and equipment that professionals, such as tradespeople, use and transport regularly for their job.

Is tool insurance worth it?

Yes, tool insurance can be worth it, especially for professionals who have invested significantly in their tools and equipment. These tools are essential for their livelihood, and any damage, theft, or loss can result in costly replacements and work delays. Tool insurance helps in mitigating these financial risks, ensuring that professionals can replace or repair their tools and get back to work swiftly.

Does car insurance cover stolen tools?

No, car insurance typically provides coverage for personal effects and not tools of trade used for business activities. Even if some coverage is granted, it’s usually limited to a relatively low amount, such as around $500. So, it’s important to remember that car insurance may only partially protect tools or equipment used for your business. Exploring additional insurance options specifically tailored for business-related tools and assets is always a good idea.

Does business insurance cover stolen tools?

Business insurance can cover stolen tools if it includes a Tools and Equipment Insurance or Portable Tools of Trade Insurance component. However, the specifics of what is covered, under what circumstances, and up to what amount will depend on the terms of the policy. It’s essential to review your business insurance policy details or consult with your insurance provider to understand the extent of the coverage for stolen tools.

How can I effectively ensure the coverage of all my tools?

There are a couple of options for covering your portable tools. The first option is an unspecified cover, which allows you to insure them for a specific dollar value. With this type of cover, the insurer can offer protection for all your items up to a certain value. However, it’s important to note that this cover does not extend to items that exceed $2,500 – $3,000 in value. So, while it provides good coverage, there are limits to what can be protected under this option.


Another option to ensure coverage for items exceeding $2,500 is to list and specify them in your policy individually. By doing so, you can have targeted protection for each item included. This approach offers an added layer of security and peace of mind, ensuring your valuable possessions are safeguarded.

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